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As well as runes, Svelte 5 will introduce a couple of new functions, in addition to existing functions like getContext, setContext and tick. These are introduced as functions rather than runes because they are used directly and the compiler does not need to touch them to make them function as it does with runes. However, these functions may still use Svelte internals.


To prevent something from being treated as an $effect/$derived dependency, use untrack:

	import { untrack } from 'svelte';

	let { a, b } = $props();

	$effect(() => {
		// this will run when `a` changes,
		// but not when `b` changes
		console.log(untrack(() => b));


Instantiates a component and mounts it to the given target:

import { mount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';
const app = mount(App, {
target: document.querySelector('#app'),
props: { some: 'property' }


Like mount, but will pick up any HTML rendered by Svelte's SSR output (from the render function) inside the target and make it interactive:

import { hydrate } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';
const app = hydrate(App, {
target: document.querySelector('#app'),
props: { some: 'property' }


Only available on the server and when compiling with the server option. Takes a component and returns an object with html and head properties on it, which you can use to populate the HTML when server-rendering your app:

import { render } from 'svelte/server';
import App from './App.svelte';
const result = render(App, {
props: { some: 'property' }